Nelson Mandela
Kimberly Keys
11 x 18 inches
Love others
“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Maya Angelou
Kimberly Keys
11 x 18 inches
“Maya Angelou” displayed at the Honolulu African American Film Festival 2017 and featured at the Kahuku Public State Library as part of the 2020 Black History in Hawaii Series.

Premier First Lady Obama
Kimberly Keys
11 x 18 inches
“Premier First Lady Obama” displayed at the “Legacy of President Obama’s” exhibit Honolulu City Hall March 2018. Also featured at the Kahuku Public State Library as part of the 2020 Black History in Hawaii Series.

Harriet Tubman
Kimberly Keys
11 x 18 inches
“Harriet Tubman” Honolulu African American Film Festival 2017. Also featured at the Kahuku Public State Library as part of the 2020 Black History in Hawaii Series.

Kimberly Keys originates from California and lives in Kaneohe, Hi.
She has been painting since 2016. Her passion is to promote fine art and cultural history through community service.